Popular with businesses and families celebrating special occasions, private classes are a great way to bring people together for a fun, interactive and memorable evening. This spring, there are four private class menus to choose from--each made up of favorite regional Italian dishes:
Private Class Menu I
Pasta alla Norma -
Pasta with Fried Eggplant
Maiale al Finocchio-
Pork Tenderloin with Fennel
Piselli al Prosciutto -
Spring Peas with Prosciutto
Torta Caprese -
Almond and Chocolate Cake
Pasta with Fried Eggplant
Maiale al Finocchio-
Pork Tenderloin with Fennel
Piselli al Prosciutto -
Spring Peas with Prosciutto
Torta Caprese -
Almond and Chocolate Cake
Private Class Menu II
Pasta e Fagioli
Pasta with Beans
Pollo alla Cacciatore
Chicken Cacciatore
Polenta con Rapini
Polenta with Broccoli Rabe
Classic Italian Dessert
Pasta with Beans
Pollo alla Cacciatore
Chicken Cacciatore
Polenta con Rapini
Polenta with Broccoli Rabe
Classic Italian Dessert
Private Class Menu III
Spaghetti Crespati
Crispy Spaghetti
Melenzane alla Parmigiana
Eggplant Parmesan
Gamberetti e Fagioli Cannellini
Shrimp with white Beans
Affogato al Caffe Espresso
Espresso Drowned Ice Cream
Crispy Spaghetti
Melenzane alla Parmigiana
Eggplant Parmesan
Gamberetti e Fagioli Cannellini
Shrimp with white Beans
Affogato al Caffe Espresso
Espresso Drowned Ice Cream
Private Class Menu V
Orecchiette Con Broccoli di Rape
Pasta rings with Broccoli
Parmigiana di Melenzane
Eggplants Parmigiana
Portobello alla Caprese
Grilled Portobello with Caprese
Torta di Capri al Limoncello
Pasta rings with Broccoli
Parmigiana di Melenzane
Eggplants Parmigiana
Portobello alla Caprese
Grilled Portobello with Caprese
Torta di Capri al Limoncello
Capri Cake with Limoncello
Titina's Private Classes Available on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday Evenings beginning at 6. Mid-day classes can also be arranged.
Minimum attendance is10 people
$60.00 per person (gratuity not included)
Call (919) 462-9255 or 919 749-3656 for more information
Or e-mail cvuotto@gmail.com and Capri Flavors will contact you within two business days.
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