Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Chef Titina Takes a Short Medical Leave

She's been in the kitchen forever--and that means standing on your feet. Now Capri Flavors Chef Titina has to have a new hip. Her joint-replacement surgery was just scheduled today and will take place mid-January at Rex hospital. But don't worry. It's hard to keep Titina out of her kitchen. She will be back as soon as possible.

Plan for "Lets Cook with Titina" classes to resume by early spring. Meantime, we'll keep her students updated via this blog (and maybe throw in an extra recipe or two to thank you for your patience)

Titina and husband Costanzo apologize for the inconvenience, especially to those who have already booked their classes. Titina loves teaching and was hoping to avoid surgery (aren't we all) but her condition worsened over the holidays. The upside of the story is that life should be a lot happier when she's pain-free in the spring.

If you'd like to send good wishes to Titina leave a comment and we'll pass it along.

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