Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Big Rewards from Titina's Small Garden

You don't need a lot of space to grow a great summer vegetable garden. 
In Capri Flavors Chef Titina's little garden--lots of flavor for her upcoming cooking classes. 

Basil, of course.  Titina will harvest and chop this classic Italian herb for bruschetta, the wonderful appetizer she uses as a starter, sometimes served with fresh peach Bellinis on the side.

And more than half the bed is rimmed with zucchini squash.  Titina will let some grow to maturity, but fried squash blossoms are an Italian delicacy.  Look for it on the menu in as the weather warms. 

Note:  The chef's husband Costanzo reports that classes are going well.  A limited number of  seats remain for the current schedule.  Check the web site or give them a call.  919-462-9255